Insights - Bontouch

From Good to Great: How Evali Helps Us Identify Top Talent

Written by Josephine Holmström | Sep 3, 2024 9:13:34 AM

At Bontouch, we know that your resume is just the beginning. That’s why we’ve partnered with Evali to bring psychometric assessments into our recruitment process. This blog post explores how our partnership with Evali enhances our recruitment process by valuing who you genuinely are. Learn how these psychometric assessments help us move beyond biases, allowing us to engage in meaningful discussions that could lead to your next career step.

Meet Evali: Our Psychometric Assessment Partner

If you’re currently job-hunting, chances are you’ve experienced that feeling. You know you are the perfect fit for a job, but the interviewer can’t seem to look past the title that is on your resume. You know you can handle the work tasks, and you have all the necessary soft skills, but you haven’t gotten the chance to show that. If you, on top of that, are also facing unconscious bias due to factors like your background, your name, or simply who you are, it can be even rougher out there.

At Bontouch, we know that interviewing candidates can be difficult and that no matter what we do, each person comes with a whole set of unconscious biases that can easily be missed unless we make them visible. As one of our efforts to bridge the gap and get to know the actual candidate, we have implemented a psychometric assessment tool into our recruitment process. This tool allows us to facilitate deeper discussions around who you are, helping us look past fuzzy gut feelings and into your potential.

To make this happen, we’ve partnered with the assessment provider Evali to conduct our psychometric assessments. The Evali tool includes personality and logic tests, each taking about 12 minutes to complete. You will typically come across these tests as one of the initial steps of your recruitment process with us because the earlier we use them, the more likely we are to see you for who you truly are.

What to Expect from the Evali Tool

It’s important to us that the tools we use are based on scientific research and empirical study. We did a lot of research before implementing Evali and conducted a trial period where we found our best approach to working with the tool. During this time, we made sure to ask all the hard questions. Is there a risk we get the wrong impression of candidates? What do we do if the candidate disagrees with their results? Are these tools even scientifically valid in the first place?

Evali’s personality test is based on the Hexaco model, a five-factor personality model variant. This is one of the few ways of measuring personality based on science, which is why we chose this option. You can read more about the science behind the Evali tool here.

User-Friendly and Inclusive

Evali’s platform is designed to be inclusive and easy to use. The logic test is adaptive to your level and untimed, ensuring a fair evaluation for all candidates. Both tests do not take very long to complete. However, we know that each individual is unique, so you can take as long as you like to fill them out. When you first create your profile on the platform, don’t forget to pick the language you feel most comfortable in - that way, you’ll get closer to a more accurate representation of yourself.

Our Experience with Evali

We tested Evali on two of our ongoing recruitment processes during our trial period. We then interviewed the candidates about their experience using the tool and let already existing employees try it out and give us their feedback. We then evaluated whether the tool could help us with some of our recruitment challenges and formulated our strategy of working with the tests based on all of these factors.

We quickly realized that the tests could help us see beyond the resume and allow us to find candidates who would thrive in our workplace. With the test as an extra data point, we work with structured interviews and can now provide better and more accurate feedback to our candidates. And most importantly, by using the tests early in the process, we bypass or highlight some of the biases that would otherwise get in our way.

We decided very early on that we did not want to use the tests for screening. That means that if you are taking the tests, there is no risk of getting rejected based on your results. Instead, we will discuss the results with you during an interview and ask you competency-based interview questions to better understand how some of your unique traits make up who you are.

How we use the Tests and Evaluate Candidates

Creating the Candidate Profile

The work on the candidate profile lays the foundation for the entire recruitment process and the basis for evaluating profiles in Evali. This work becomes very important for the tests to provide value, as it defines what the role entails and which soft skills are essential. Based on this information, we create a "match profile," where we select six relevant soft skills for the role in Evali. This does not mean that there is a "right" or "wrong" profile for the role; instead, it allows us to ask follow-up questions based on the answers chosen during the test. 

Taking the Evali Assessments

You’ll complete the Evali assessments before your first interview. Of course, you will also be able to review the results after you have completed the tests, and only the responsible recruiter will have access to your test results to ensure unbiased evaluations during interviews.

Since we ask competency-based questions during the interview, you will need to provide specific examples. Our preparation tip is to reflect on projects, work, and collaborations you have been involved in during previous jobs, where you can highlight particular situations. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to answer the questions.  

Utilizing Assessment Results

The Evali assessments provide valuable information about your cognitive abilities and personality traits. Here’s how we use them:

  1. Guiding Interview Questions: The insights gained from your assessment results help us formulate specific follow-up questions during the competency-based interviews. This allows us to explore areas highlighted by your test results in more depth.
  2. Understanding Fit: The results help us understand how your traits and abilities align with the role’s requirements and the company’s culture. We are looking for a match in values and work style that complements our team dynamics.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: We make more informed and objective hiring decisions by considering both the assessment results and the answers to the interview questions. This comprehensive approach ensures we evaluate you on a broad spectrum of skills and attributes.

No Perfect Score

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers in these assessments. We’re interested in how your traits align with the role's expectations. The results will be a basis for further discussion during the interview process. Responsible recruiter will be your Evali expert, guiding you through the process. Beyond recruitment, Evali also provides insights into team dynamics and valuable soft skills for our company. If you have any questions about the Evali assessments or our recruitment process, please contact your responsible recruiter. You might feel that your test results do not match who you are at all, this is of course something you can talk to the recruiter about in the interview.

By embracing psychometric assessments, we’re enhancing our recruitment process to find the best talent while creating a fair and inclusive environment. We look forward to learning more about you through the Evali assessments!