News & Insights

Bontouch News & Insights is the place where we share our latests company highlights and talk about the things we learn and want to share with others in our field. From new development trends to design methods, and all the way to fun side-projects, have a look and see what we’re talking about inside the walls of the Bontouch studios.

Why Mediocre Apps Doesn't Pay Off

Why Mediocre Apps Doesn't Pay Off

In this blog post, we'll explore why aiming for mediocrity in the app development space rarely pays off and howinvesting in native app development for platforms like iOS and Android can be crucial...

The Power of Mobile Apps

The Power of Mobile Apps

In the world of commerce, mobile apps have become indispensable tools. Most internet users on mobile devices offer unparalleled convenience and functionality (e.g., AR and biometrics) and...

How to work with continuous discovery

How to work with continuous discovery

Do you feel like you’re stuck in maintenance mode or feature factory? Don’t worry – we all end up there sometimes. During certain periods, it might even be necessary to focus solely on maintenance....

AI Highlights from EmTech Digital 2024

AI Highlights from EmTech Digital 2024

For the very first time this year, we decided to take part in EmTech Digital, MIT Technology Review’s conference on emerging technologies, with a special focus on Artificial Intelligence. The...

Our Bright Future: A Message from the CEO

Our Bright Future: A Message from the CEO

Introducing Framna, the new brand identity of Bontouch and Shape. Our mission: creating world-class digital products with our partners. Discover our ambitious journey!

An Exercise in Spatial Computing

An Exercise in Spatial Computing

A few times a year, our developers dedicate half a day to learning about something specific. We do this by proverbially getting our hands dirty with some coding exercises. We call this a “Code...

Daily Takeaways from KotlinConf 2024

Daily Takeaways from KotlinConf 2024

Another year and another set of exciting updates to our favourite language Kotlin, kicking it off with the much anticipated announcement of Kotlin 2.0. At Shape and Bontouch, we make extensive use...